
Sunday, October 01, 2006

Howdy folks.......Hope ya'll been keeping up with the news,which there is a bunch of...........first thing i noticed...Iran's new video game>>>> blowing up a U.S. ship,but I guess that isn't something we shouldn't be surprised about......seems they have a passion for blowing shit matter who or what it is...kinda expect that from them...we know where on there list but u know russia and china think there aren't are just plain stupid.....anyone who will strap a bomb on themselves just ain't right.......this might come back to haunt them......what till they get the bomb.....sure dont want to live close to those nuts..........and they will, cause we're all pussy footing around afaird to hurt there feelings untill its to late.......i think there nuclear faculties shoud just be taken out...end of problems give them 24 hrs notice then .......poof...problem solved, what u think,here today gone tomorrow...only way to deal with these a bad child...there isnt really no way to talk with these people...they have a mindset all of there own and nothing that we or the world can say or do is going to change lets all wait till they get what they want and then say what the hell do we do now.........look at north korea.....same story different day..........enough on that today ,,,scary fishhit for all of us

How about a look right here at home.........look at Foley.........damn.......we let crap like that go on for over a yr...come on please...he should get what any sexual predator gets and the same to all who protected him in the last yr........yeb, all of ya'll...hope your sweating right now..your day might be coming, think they have a large place where u can socialize with shitheads like that for a long time...have fun,lol ...that's sorry ass homegrown fishchit

Well......last of my rant........Should we quit the war in Iraq.....I don't think so,think its time for us to stand up to these richardheads and show the world we mean business and that we're here to the end.......If We leave there now, then the extremist in the middle east will chase us all the way home dragging our tail, and they will follow us that what we want for our children??????? not for mine...i say lets kick some butt,lets finish what we started and show the world we can't be bullied......Let's not let a small % of the world control the rest of us...lets take the gloves off and show them there in a fight........Anyway that's just the rant of a old fisherman, fishchit for all..... :)