Howdy,first things first....a little about me..54 yrs old,can't spell for crap and typing skills are I like to fish !...but here lately i've felt the need to voice a opinon of some reflections of mine......#1 are we generaly stupid in Amercia and why do we beleive what is crammed down our thoarts by the many forms of media...lets start with oil..hmmmm lets see when oil went over $70 a barrel what did gas raise to ...seems to me about $1,75 around here ...then it worked its way to $3...but the price of a barrel didnt change much...just all the hype and all this real.............seems like we think something is going to happen but doesnt so we raise the 20 cents and lower it back a dime in a few days..over and over again...real good marketing skills...also we help other countrys build there oil company's up and then they kick us in the teeth........i guess we like our gas gluzzer's so we can buy there oil,so they can make lots of money to attack us...kind kicking our own butts arent we...when are we going to wake up and realize that we are just giving these people the resource's to make war against stupid are we and last with all the tech stuff we see everyday and all the modern movels in this century are we still using a 100 yr old form of fuel.gezzzzzzzzz..we can explore space ,clone animals, and do some really remarkable things but still using gas as a folks don't think we can do better or maybe thats what they tell us everyday in the news...and I think thats fishchit to me but I don't own stock in oil!!!!!! Icufish2
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